About company

Experience and modern solutions

The STERNET sp. z o.o. company was founded in 2002. The Company`s core business is the supply of electric drives and industrial automation systems.

Our business is founded on technical consultancy, distribution, manufacturing and service. Our knowledge and experience are the basis of our competencies for delivering solutions based on innovative services and products.

Since 2004, we have been cooperating with the SIEMENS company as an authorized distributor and factory service of SIEMENS motors and gears. This partnership allow us to offer world-class solutions in the field of electric drives, industrial automation and switching technology.

The combination of engineering knowledge and experience, backed by our own production and service facilities, allows us to work with the most demanding customers. Our customers choose us among other companies because we deliver complete solutions. Thanks to this, we are building strong business relations and more than 9 000 companies trusted us in past years.

In 2013, we launched operations in the newly built company headquarters. By strengthening our logistics, production and service potential, we provide a more efficient and comprehensive execution of orders.

In addition to the company headquarters in Tarnów, where our production and logistics center is located, we have Trade Offices in Wieliczka, Katowice and Wrocław.


Potwierdzeniem rozwoju i pozycji firmy na rynku są nagrody i wyróżnienia jakimi zostaliśmy uhonorowani.


Laureat Gazele Biznesu edycje:

2006, 2007, 2008, 2012

Laureat Diamentów Forbes’a w latach 2010 oraz 2013.





Galeria zdjęć naszej siedziby w Tarnowie
Poznaj możliwości rozwoju w naszej firmie
Wspieramy organizacje społeczne i działalność charytatywną.
Wspieramy młodego żużlowca Damiana Dąbrowskiego.
Informacje o wdrożeniu projektu systemu B2B w firmie STERNET sp. z o.o. w celu zapewnienia elektronicznej wymiany danych z partnerami biznesowymi.
Informacje o spółce.

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